Energy Efficiency and Savings

Improving the energy efficiency of houses across the Barvas Estate

Supporting projects across the community

Since the community buyout, Barvas Estate have been aware that household energy efficiency was something that they wished to tackle. Partnering with The Energy Advisory Service (TEAS) of Tighean Innse Gall, and through funding from The Ebico Trust and The Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme, we were able to carry out over 100 home visits giving energy advice. We also distributed 57 slow cookers and over 900 LED light Bulbs as well as help with other Energy Efficiency measures and also referrals to other agencies to help households. TEAS also visit the local primary school and met with one of the community groups and carried out workshops. A slow cooker recipe book was also complied.

The Urras is always looking at ways to help households with energy savings and if funding can be secured we will look at other projects to continue this.

The Urras have also looked at ways to help businesses lower their energy costs and have worked with Community Energy Scotland (CES) and Local Energy Scotland in doing this. So far however financially viable projects have not fore come but we will continue to look at all ways possible to encourage this so as to help the environment and working towards Net-Zero.

Barvas Estate TIG Energy Project


A Barvas Estate Trust Community LED Energy Efficiency Project

With support from